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Migrating to Google Cloud Run App Terraform module v9.0.0

This document outlines the changes and considerations required when migrating from previous versions of the Google Cloud Run application terraform module to version 9.0.0 and above. For step-by-step migration instructions please see the associated How-to page.

Before the release of version 9.0.0, our in-house developed Google Cloud Run application terraform module used the Cloud Run Admin API V1. However, the Cloud Run Admin API V2 is now recommended as it offers a better developer experience and broader support of Cloud Run features. Therefore, starting with the 9.0.0 release, the Cloud Run App module now exclusively uses the Cloud Run Admin V2 API. This is a breaking change which will require teams to perform some refactoring to migrate to. This page explains some of the key changes and considerations that should be taken before migrating to version >= 9.0.0.

Key changes in version 9.0.0

Load balancer

Many of our "gcp-deploy-boilerplate" template deployments are configured to use a Cloud Load Balancer via the webapp_use_cloud_load_balancer: true Terraform variable. Previously, this variable enabled load balancer resources which were declared at the project's top level in However, in the latest version of the boilerplate this file has been removed as we now make use of the enable_load_balancer option of the Cloud Run App module directly. Therefore, if your project currently sets webapp_use_cloud_load_balancer: true it is necessary to add following moved blocks to the project's Terraform code to avoid the existing load balancer being destroyed.

moved {
  from = google_compute_region_network_endpoint_group.webapp[0]
  to   = module.webapp.google_compute_region_network_endpoint_group.webapp[0]

moved {
  from = module.webapp_http_load_balancer[0]
  to   = module.webapp.module.webapp_http_load_balancer[0]

Module variables

Since version 9.0.0 of the Cloud Run App Terraform module uses the Cloud Run Admin V2 API exclusively, many of the module's input variables have changed. Below you'll find details of which variables have changed and how existing configurations must be updated when migrating. The full list of variables with detailed explanations can be found in the module's README file.

  • image_name: this variable is not declared at the top level anymore. Instead, each container in containers map has its own image key:
containers = {
  webapp = {
    image = "${local.container_images.webapp_base}:${local.container_images.webapp_tag}"
    env = [{
      name  = "EXTRA_SETTINGS_URLS",
      value = local.extra_settings_urls
  • cloud_run_region: has been changed to region.
  • max_scale: scaling config has been moved to scaling map:
scaling = {
  max_instance_count = 10
  • dns_name: has been removed after long deprecation period. Now dns_names is used insted. Contains a map of dns names:
dns_names = {
  webapp = (
    (!local.webapp_use_cloud_load_balancer && local.domain_verification.verified)
    ? coalesce(local.webapp_custom_dns_name, trimsuffix(local.webapp_dns_name, "."))
    : ""
  • sql_instance_connection_name: has been changed to mount_cloudsql_instance.
  • disable_monitoring: has been renamed to enable_monitoring and the new default behaviour is to disable monitoring.
  • environment_variables: now this variable is not declared at the top level. Instead, each container in containers map has an env key with a list of maps (see example above).
  • allowed_ingress: changed to ingress. The ingress setting for the Cloud Run service. Possible values are INGRESS_TRAFFIC_ALL, INGRESS_TRAFFIC_INTERNAL_ONLY, and INGRESS_TRAFFIC_INTERNAL_LOAD_BALANCER. If variable use_load_balancer is set to true, the provided ingress value will be ignored and the ingress will be set automatically to INGRESS_TRAFFIC_INTERNAL_LOAD_BALANCER.
  • alert_notification_channels: has been changed to alerting_notification_channels.

Deleted features

In version 9.0.0 the Domain mapping feature was dropped so the module now has no related outputs domain_mapping_present, domain_mapping_resource_record, and domain_mapping_dns_name. This GCP functionality is not recommended for production usage as this is "Pre-GA feature" and it's been in this stage for a very long time. Besides that, it has a number of limitations, such as limited availability across GCP regions, latency issues and more.

If you were using Domain mapping it is likely the CloudRun instance was located in a different region to of the other cloud resources, hence the variable cloud_run_region. This migration will move the CloudRun instance to the same region as the other cloud resources. Note, the region is included in the automatically assign URLs, i.e. The change to these URLs can impact integrations with other services, for example the API Gateway.

Other changes

The previous major release, 8.0.0, introduced the enable_pre_deploy_job variable which, when set to true, creates a Cloud Run job to execute a configurable command before new Cloud Run service revisions are deployed. This is a useful way to run database migrations and other commands which are tightly coupled to the release cadence of the main Cloud Run service. However, in version 9.0.0 of the module, the pre-deploy job syntax has changed. Below you'll find examples of the "pre-deploy" job implementations using both the old and new syntax.

For gcp-cloud-run-app module versions >= 8.1.0 and < 9.0.0:

module "webapp" {
  source  = ""
  version = "~> 8.1"

  # ...

  enable_pre_deploy_job  = true
  pre_deploy_job_command = ["python3"]
  pre_deploy_job_args    = ["/usr/src/app/", "migrate"]

For gcp-cloud-run-app module versions >= 9.0.0:

module "webapp" {
  source  = ""
  version = "~> 9.0"

  # ...

  enable_pre_deploy_job = true
  pre_deploy_job_container = {
    image   = "image:tag", # need to specify image
    command = ["python3"],
    args    = ["/usr/src/app/", "migrate"]