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How to delete all resources for the product

This page provides instructions on how to delete resources for a product. Resources related to the product are stored across several Git repositories with Terraform code in our GitLab:

As our cloud platform deployment comprises multiple stages, it must be deleted in a strict order. The following information illustrates the right order.


Not every stage in this guide is required. For example, a product can have no related GitLab CI runner infrastructure.

Stage 1 - Delete Resources in Infrastructure Project

First, it is needed to delete the top-level infrastructure, i.e. resources that are used by the product's deployment (Cloud SQL instances, Cloud Run instances, so on).

Almost all infrastructure projects were created from the template. However, the set of resources may vary from product to product (e.g. some products use the MySQL database and others use the PostgreSQL database), so there is no universal solution. The general steps are as follows:

  • Clone the Git project.
  • Get a list of the workspaces for the infrastructure project by running logan terraform workspace list inside the infrastructure project directory. The output will be similar to the one shown below:

     * development


    Alternatively, workspaces can be found in product's .tfvars file in Google Cloud Product Factory.

  • Check your project for resources protected from deletion (Storage buckets, SQL instances, etc). For example, if the infrastructure project was created from Boilerplate Google Cloud Deployment project and it uses SQL, then most probably the deletion_protection option for the SQL instance is set to true. Set it to false and apply the configuration before the next step, otherwise terraform destroy command will fail. If the infrastructure project has storage bucket(s), ensure that it can be actually deleted. This can be achieved by adding force_destroy = true to the bucket resource(s) and applying the Terraform configuration.

  • Destroy resources in every workspace. The example below shows how to do it for a development workspace:

     logan --workspace=development terraform destroy

During this process, Terraform will display all resources that it will destroy. Carefully review and type yes.

Stage 2 - Delete GitLab GKE CI Runner

Next, if your product uses the GKE based CI runner, delete it from the Terraform code in GitLab GKE CI Runner Infrastructure. To do so, perform the following:

  • Clone the GitLab GKE CI Runner Infrastructure repository.

     git clone
     cd gitlab-runner-infrastructure
  • Create a new branch with a relevant name, for example delete-ci-runner-for-my-product-name.

     git checkout -b delete-ci-runner-for-my-product-name
  • Find the information about the product in

  • Remove the corresponding item from product_runners.production map.
  • Commit changes, push, and submit new merge request for review:

     git add
     git commit -m "Delete CI runner for my-product-name"
     git push --set-upstream origin delete-ci-runner-for-my-product-name
  • After merging it, apply the production configuration from the master branch by running the following:

     git checkout master
     git pull
     logan --workspace=production terraform apply

Stage 3 - Delete Resources in Gitlab Project Factory

Next, when the top-level infrastructure and CI runner are destroyed, it is possible to delete projects/groups in GitLab. Here's a simple steps to do so:

  • Clone the Gitlab Project Factory repository:

     git clone
     cd gitlab-project-factory
  • Create a new branch with a relevant name, for example delete-gitlab-resources-for-my-product-name:

     git checkout -b delete-gitlab-resources-for-my-product-name
  • Identify the product's directory under the product-vars directory.

  • Destroy resources:

     ./ -p ./product-vars/my-product-name destroy

    Make sure my-product-name is replaced by actual product name.


    This is irreversible operation! On this step all GitLab resources, described in related directroy under ./product-vars/ will be deleted!

  • Delete folder ./product-vars/my-product-name.

  • Commit changes, push and submit a new merge request for post factum review:

     git add ./product-vars/my-product-name
     git commit -m "Delete GitLab resources for my-product-name"
     git push --set-upstream origin delete-gitlab-resources-for-my-product-name

Stage 4 - Delete Resources in GCP Product Factory

Finally, destroy the low-level GCP resources (projects, IAM, DNS, so on).

  • Clone the Google Cloud Product Factory repository:

     git clone
     cd gcp-product-factory
  • Create a new branch with a relevant name, for example delete-gcp-resources-for-my-product-name:

     git checkout -b delete-gcp-resources-for-my-product-name
  • Identify the product's directory in the product-vars directory.

  • Override the product's deletion protection by setting enable_product_deletion_protection = false in the product's .tfvars file and apply the change:

     ./ -p ./product-vars/my-product-name apply

    Make sure my-product-name is replaced by actual product name.

  • Destroy resources:

     ./ -p ./product-vars/my-product-name destroy

    Make sure my-product-name is replaced by actual product name.


    You may see an error similar to the following:

    │ Error: Error when reading or editing ManagedZone: googleapi: Error 400: The resource named
    │ 'project' cannot be deleted because it contains one or more 'resource records'.,
    │ containerNotEmpty

    This can happen when DNS records not managed by the product factory have been created, for example by partial deployments of the product or manual operations. This can be rectified by ensuring that terraform destroy has been run in the product's deployment configuration or by manually inspecting the Cloud DNS configuration for the product in the Google Cloud Console and removing any dangling records.


    This is irreversible operation! On this step all GCP resources, described in related directroy under ./product-vars/ (including IAM, DNS, and projects) will be deleted!

  • Delete folder ./product-vars/my-product-name.

  • Commit changes, push and submit a new merge request for post factum review:

     git add ./product-vars/my-product-name
     git commit -m "Delete GCP resources for my-product-name"
     git push --set-upstream origin elete-gitlab-resources-for-my-product-name