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How to prepare your system for development

This guide covers how to prepare your system for running and, optionally, developing our applications. This guide attempts to be generic; there may be product-specific requirements and so always check the READMEs if you're starting work on a product for the first time.

Install software

In order to run and develop our standard web applications, you will need to have the following installed on your system:

  1. Docker. On Mac and Windows machines you may find docker desktop to be the most useful solution. On Linux, follow the docker install instructions.
  2. Docker compose. This comes installed with Docker desktop although you may need to check that it is enabled in the Docker desktop settings. For Linux machines, you will need to install the docker compose plugin.
  3. Git. GitHub provide a guide on installing git. You will also need to make sure that you can sign in to GitLab.
  4. Python. (Optional) On Mac machines you can use homebrew. On both Linux and Mac machines you can use the system Python or use solutions such as pyenv to install specific versions. We try to support the versions which are currently supported by the Python developers but you'll usually have a better time the more up-to-date your system Python install is.
  5. Node. (Optional) On Mac machines you can use homebrew for this. For both Linux and Mac you can use a toolchain manager such as volta. The node website has an installation guide for other systems or if you prefer to install node directly from the source.
  6. Java. (Optional) On Mac machines you can use homebrew to install OpenJDK. Note that additional commands are required on Mac machines for OpenJDK to be found. See the homebrew page for details. On Linux, OpenJDK will usually be available in your distribution's package manager. If your project uses the GitLab package registry, see how-to configure your Maven settings.xml.
  7. 1Password cli tools. (Optional) If you need to run scripts using the 'op' tool, follow the official 1Password guide to install (step 1) and enable the desktop app integration (step 2).

The minimum software you need to have installed to run one of our applications locally is docker and docker compose. The optional dependencies are required if you want to make modifications.

If you intend to deploy applications to our Google Cloud infrastructure, you will also need to install the logan tool via the following command:

python3 -m pip install --user logan \

If you intend to develop applications it is convenient to have some command-line tools installed. For Python development, we recommend that you install the "poetry" application for managing dependencies and local virtual environments and the "poe" task runner:

python3 -m pip install --user poetry poethepoet[poetry-plugin]

For TypeScript development, we recommend that you install the common JavaScript package management tools:

For Java development, we generally use the Maven packaging tool which is available in homebrew on Macs and similarly will usually be present in a Linux distribution's package manager.

If you need to work with the boilerplate projects, you will need to install the copier CLI tool. The official docummentation recommends to use pipx. Pipx is an utility for installing and running Python applications in isolated environments. Information for how to install pipx for various platforms could be found on the project's github. Once pipx is installed, the copier can be installed by running this command:

pipx install copier

In addition to the software above, you will need a good programmers' text editor to be productive. This is a personal choice. Some people prefer full IDEs such as IntelliJ or PyCharm, some prefer more minimalist editors such as Sublime Text and some prefer middle-ground editors with plugins for extra functionality such as neovim or VSCodium.

Check that your system is ready

Check that docker is installed correctly:

$ docker run --rm hello-world

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.


On Linux machines you may get permissions errors. Make sure that your user is part of the docker group via sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER. You need to log out and back in for changes to take effect.

Check that docker compose is installed:

$ docker compose --help

Usage:  docker compose [OPTIONS] COMMAND

If you have installed logan, check that it is on the current PATH:

$ logan --help
usage: logan [-h] [-c CONFIGURATION] [--dry-run] [--quiet] [--image-name IMAGE_NAME] [--nobuild] [--nopull]
             [--workdir WORKDIR] [--writable-workdir] [--workspace WORKSPACE]
             [--terraform-data-volume-name TERRAFORM_DATA_VOLUME_NAME] [--rm-terraform-data-volume] [-T]
             [--docker-run-args DOCKER_RUN_ARGS] [--temp-directory TEMP_DIRECTORY] [-v]
I'm getting a "command not found" error trying to run logan.

Packages installed by pip install --user place command-line scripts under $HOME/.local/bin by default (on MacOS 14.x they are installed under $HOME/Library/Python/[Python-version]/bin). You may need to add that location to the PATH. This process may vary depending on the Operating System installed on your machine so ask a friendly dev if you're unsure how to do this.

If you have installed poetry and poe, check that they are on the current PATH:

$ poetry --version
Poetry (version 1.5.1)
$ poe --version
Poe the poet - version: 0.20.0

The exact versions shown may differ depending on when you install these applications.

If you have installed the node package managers, check that they are on the current PATH:

$ npm --version
$ yarn --version
$ pnpm --version

The exact versions shown may differ depending on when you install these applications.

If you have installed the copier check that they are on the current PATH:

$ copier -v
copier 9.1.1

The exact versions shown may differ depending on when you install these applications.

Configure VPN

If the application you are working with requires using the VPN to access resources, follow the steps in the VPN Service guide to create an Access Token and configure the VPN you need.

If you are on MacOS you can download a Connection Profile from the List of Managed VPNs to help configure a VPN.

The default VPN is

If you need the Admin VPN it is listed as 'University Administration Service (UAS)' on the Connection Profiles page, and the address is


In this guide you learned how to install software required for common development tasks.

Next steps