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How to run an application on your local system

This guide describes how to start from the GitLab page for a web application and get to the point where you can access a local instance in your browser and run tests locally.


This guide is appropriate for applications which do not have a file in the root of the repository. See the older reference guide if that file is present.


If you have not already done so, make sure you have followed our how-to guide for preparing your system and installed the software which it recommends. You should confirm that the docker, poetry and poe commands are present on your PATH and that the docker compose plugin is installed.

Downloading the application

Use git clone to clone the application repository to your machine. Change to the directory containing the application using cd.

Running the application

Check the file for any application-specific bootstrap steps. Commonly these will take the form of copying a file provided in the repository to a file named secrets.env and providing secret values. The README and/or file should provide more information.


If the file doesn't include something which you later find out is required for bootstrapping, open an issue and, if you feel comfortable, a merge request adding the missing information.

You may be used to manually creating a virtualenv for Python projects in a directory named venv or .venv. Do not do this. Instead, let the poetry tool create a local Python virtualenv for the application and install dependencies:

poetry install
What is a "virtualenv" and what does "poetry install" do?

We cover this in the explainer document about our webapp boilerplate.

Check that the test suite passes:

poetry poe pytest:local

The poe command to poetry runs one of a predefined set of "tasks" within the virtualenv. You can see the list of tasks in the pyproject.toml file.

If you have installed poe into your PATH, you can also use poe pytest:local as a shortcut.


You can see all the "poe" tasks by running poetry poe with no other arguments.

Start the application:

poetry poe up --wait

The --wait flag is passed to docker compose and tells docker to wait until all the containers have started and return control back to you.


The up task is a convenient way of running the docker compose --profile development up command. You could have also started the application via docker compose --profile development up --wait if you wanted to exercise your fingers with extra typing.

Examine the logs from the application:

docker compose logs --follow webapp

Visit http://localhost:8000/ in your browser to access the application.


In this guide you learned how to clone one of our applications locally, run tests and start the application.

Next steps

  • Read more about what you can do with our webapp developer environment in the reference guide.