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How to use pre-commit hooks with renovatebot

Renovatebot supports pre-commit hooks in two ways:

  • Keeping the hooks referenced in .pre-commit-config.yaml fresh, and
  • Checking your renovate.json configuration is valid.

Check renovate.json on commit

Add the following to .pre-commit-config.yaml:

  # ... other hooks ...
  - repo:
    rev: 38.26.0
      - id: renovate-config-validator
        files: ^renovate\.json$

Enable pre-commit hook freshening


The pre-commit renovate manager is currently in beta and must be manually enabled.

To enable renovatebot auto-freshening of pre-commit hook versions, add the following to renovatebot.json:

  extends: [
    // ... other presets ...


In this guide you learned about the two ways renovatebot can support pre-commit and how to configure them.