Network Access Tokens Service¶
[Team | Wilson Team] [Tech Lead | prb34] [Service Owner | rcf34] [Service Manager | TBC] [Product Manager | TBC]
This page gives an overview of the Network Access Tokens service, describing its current status, where and how it's developed and deployed, and who is responsible for maintaining it.
Service Description¶
The Network Access Tokens site provides a site for Raven-authenticated users to obtain and manage per-device tokens allowing them to use eduroam and the University’s wireless network, and the VPN service.
Service Status¶
The Network Access Tokens service is currently live.
Technical queries and support should be directed to and will be picked up by a member of the team working on the service. To ensure that you receive a response, always direct requests to rather than reaching out to team members directly.
Issues discovered in the service or new feature requests should be opened as GitLab issues in the application repository.
End user support is provided by the Service Desk.
The Network Access Tokens service is currently deployed to the following environments:
Name | URL | Supporting VMs |
Production | | | | | |
Database | | |
Staging | | | | ||
Database | |
Source code¶
The source code for the Network Access Tokens service is spread over the following repositories:
Repository | Description |
Application Server | The source code for the main application server |
Ansible | The Ansible used to deploy all the Dev Group Grails Apps |
Technologies used¶
The following gives an overview of the technologies the Network Access Tokens service is built on.
Category | Language | Framework(s) |
Server | Groovy 2.4.12 | Grails 1.3.10 |
DB | Postgres | Moa |
Operational documentation¶
The following gives an overview of how the Network Access Tokens service is deployed and maintained.
How and where the Network Access Tokens service is deployed¶
The Network Access Tokens service application is deployed using WAR packages. These are built by Gitlab CI in the Application Server repository. These are deployed using the Ansible above
Deploying a new release¶
Once the WAR packages are built they can be deployed using the Ansible. See the Ansible docs for information on how to.
The Network Access Tokens service is monitored by nagios. There is also a status page that checks the various components of the service and returns 200 if everything is functioning normally. There is a liveness page used by the traffic manager to determine live nodes.
Other documentation¶
Service Management¶
The Team responsible for this service is Wilson Team.
The Tech Lead for this service is prb34.
The Service Owner for this service is rcf34.
The Service Manager for this service is TBC.
The Product Manager for this service is TBC.
The following engineers have operational experience with this service and are able to respond to support requests or incidents: