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Research Dashboard

[Team | Johnson Team] [Tech Lead | TBC] [Service Owner | dgb26] [Service Manager | TBC] [Product Manager | TBC]

This page gives an overview of the Research Dashboard, describing its current status, where and how it's developed and deployed, and who is responsible for maintaining it.

Service Description

This service allows those involved in research administration to view:

  • Grant finances (summary expenditure, grant balances and team details)
  • Application deadlines
  • Contract status and progress updates

Service Status

The Research Dashboard is currently beta.


Technical queries and support should be directed to and will be picked up by a member of the team working on the service. To ensure that you receive a response, always direct requests to rather than reaching out to team members directly.

Issues discovered in the service or new feature requests should be opened as GitLab issues in the application repository.


The Research Dashboard is currently deployed to the following environments:

Name Main Application URL Django Admin URL Backend API URL

The GCP console pages for managing the infrastructure of each component of the deployment are:

Name Main Application Hosting Database
Production Cloud Run (Project: rd-prod-e68d2d52) GCP Cloud SQL (DB name: sql-bbb6ecf4)
Staging Cloud Run (Project: rd-test-692a8e82) GCP Cloud SQL (DB name: sql-f64dd06d)
Development Cloud Run (Project: rd-devel-2d49ecb5) GCP Cloud SQL (DB name: sql-722570e9)

Notification channel(s) for environments

Environment Display name Email
Production Research Dashboard - Johnson DevOps team email channel
Production Research Dashboard - DevOps Team email Channel
Staging Research Dashboard - Johnson DevOps team email channel

Source code

The source code for the Research Dashboard is spread over the following repositories:

Repository Description
Application Server The source code for the main application server.
CUFS GMS Microservice The source code for the micro-service querying CUFS grant management system data.
CHRIS Grant Contracts Microservice The source code for the micro-service querying CHRIS contracts data.
CUFS Salary Commitments Calculator The source code for a salaries commitments calculator for CUFS.
Staff oncost calculator The source code for a python module to calculate total staff oncosts.
School Data Cache The source code for caching of university school metadata.
Infrastructure Deployment The Terraform infrastructure code for deploying the application server to GCP

Technologies used

The following gives an overview of the technologies the Research Dashboard is built on.

Category Language Framework
Server Python Django
Client JavaScript jQuery
Client TypeScript React

Operational documentation

The following gives an overview of how the Research Dashboard is deployed and maintained.

How and where the Research Dashboard is deployed

Database for application data is a PostgreSQL database hosted by GCP Cloud SQL. The main web application is a Django application, hosted by GCP Cloud Run.

Deploying a new release

The file in the Infrastructure Deployment repository explains how to deploy the Research Dashboard.


Production Uptime and SSL check alerts are being sent to To see the Monitoring dashboard go to GCP Console.


See monitoring.


Any operational or administration issues should be raised as an issue in a repository for this purpose.

Service Management

The Team responsible for this service is Johnson Team.

The Tech Lead for this service is TBC.

The Service Owner for this service is dgb26.

The Service Manager for this service is TBC.

The Product Manager for this service is TBC.