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How to create a deploy token for Ansible deployment

For several applications, Ansible is used to deploy them to the on-premise infrastructure. For example, Ansible is used most heavily in Grails application ansible deployment project.

This document describes the steps needed to create new or update expired deploy tokens.

Deploy tokens are used to enable authentication of deployment tasks, independent of a user account. With a deploy token, Ansible deployment can:

  • Clone Git repositories.
  • Pull from a GitLab container registry.
  • Pull from a GitLab package registry.

Create a token in the the GitLab project

The Ansible deployments use GitLab deploy tokens, encrypted and stored in each project's Ansible Vault. To create a project's deploy token:

  1. Open the project in GitLab UI.
  2. Go to Settings > Repository.
  3. Expand the "Deploy Tokens" section.
  4. Click the "Add token" button.
  5. Fill the following fields as shown below:

    • Name: Token should be named "Ansible Deployment".
    • Expiration Date (optional): Could be omitted. By default, a deploy token does not expire.
    • Username: Set username to ansible-<PROJECT-NAME>, where PROJECT-NAME is a project's slug (gaobase, rgea, etc).
  6. Give read_repository, read_registry and read_package_registry permissions.

  7. Copy username and token, they will be used in the next step.

Encrypt the token and udpate the Ansible project

  1. Clone the git project locally.
  2. Create a new branch:

    git checkout -b upgrade-deploy-token
  3. Prepare environment. Filenames vary across project, but in common scenario the preparation process is as shown:

    eval $(op signin)
    source <APP>-<ENV>-setup

    where APP is an application's slug, ENV is the environment name (live, test, etc.).

  4. Ecrypt the username and token.

    ansible-vault encrypt_string $DEPLOY_USERNAME --vault-password-file secrets/open-vault --name=gitlab_access_user
    ansible-vault encrypt_string $DEPLOY_TOKEN --vault-password-file secrets/open-vault --name=gitlab_access_token
  5. Copy the output from ansible-vault to the group_vars/<APP>-<ENV>-secrets.yml, where APP is an application's slug, ENV is the environment name.

  6. Add the file to the git and push:

    git add group_vars/<APP>-<ENV>-secrets.yml
    git commit -m "chore: Update deploy token for <APP>"
    git push --set-upstream origin upgrade-deploy-token
  7. Submit a new merge request for review.