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Register your service

In DevOps we have an internal User Notify service which can be used to send email to users of your service. This guide covers how to register your service to send email.

The service currently supports as a "paved path":

  • Sending email from an email address of the form {service name} or "plus addressed" variants.
  • Getting per-service feeds of send, delivery, bounce and complaint events via Google BigQuery, a connected Google Sheet or as a data source in a Looker Studio report.
  • Low configuration integration with Django and other Python codebases via an opinionated client library.
  • SPF, DKIM and DMARC verification of all outbound emails.

In addition to the above, you can opt to restrict your service to send to a fixed set of recipients or to use a dedicated "testing" domain. These features are useful for non-production services which still wish to send real email.

For advanced use cases we can support sending via SMTP, custom domains, dedicated IP address pools with automated warm-up, custom Reply-To addresses and forwarding any bounce emails to a service management team but you will bear a greater responsibility for correctly configuring your service. Please open an issue to discuss your use case.

If the Python client library doesn't match your needs, you can create your own integration but no guarantees are given as to the stability of the internal API.

What you will need

For each service you wish to register, you will need:

  • A service "id" which is a short identifier for your service which uses only lower case letters, numbers and/or "-"s.
  • A display name which will be visible in the "From" address for emails sent from your service.
  • A local part which will be the part before the @ in the "From" address of emails sent from your service.
  • At least one technical contact which is an email address for contact with technical information. At a later date the User Notify service may also start using these email addresses to send alerts about, for example, elevated bounce rates.
  • At least one Google Service Account which is permitted to send email. Usually this would be the service account corresponding to, for example, the Cloud Run service hosting your service.

If your service corresponds to a non-production environment you may find it useful to obtain:

  • An allow list of recipient email addresses. Your service will be restricted to sending email only to these addresses.
  • A decision on whether you want to use the "testing" domain. Along with, there is a "testing" domain which may be useful to clearly differentiate email sent from a non-production environment.

To use advanced features, you will need:

  • Reporting IAM principals which are principals such as Lookup groups, Google groups or, as a last resort, individual accounts which will be able to create Google Sheets or Looker Studio reports containing send, delivery, bounce and complaint events. (Note that, depending on how you share them, users may not need to be in this list to view Google Sheets or Looker Studio reports.)
  • Technical IAM principals which are principals such as Lookup groups or Google groups which will be able to read technical configuration information. These should ideally be Google groups containing gcloudadmin accounts and are intended for complex use cases where the automated configuration provision does not suffice.

Requesting registration

Once you have the required information you can request that your service be registered.

Should I register separate services for each environment?

You may be wondering if you should register separate services for development, staging and production environments. That is up to you since the "best" answer likely depends on the intended roles of your different environments.

Very broadly speaking, only your production and, perhaps, staging environments should be able to send "real" email and for other environments you should instead log the emails which would be sent. We have a mailtrap account which can be used for an "inbox-like" view of email messages which would be sent. The opinionated Python client library also includes a MockSession class if you don't need mailtrap's features and Django includes an in-memory email backend.

The recommended setup if you are unsure what to do is to register a single service corresponding to your production environment and, if necessary, register a second service using the "testing" domain with a restricted recipient list. This second service can then be used for integration testing with User Notify in your staging and/or development environments. Once you are happy with the integration, you should keep development and staging workloads using mailtrap to ensure that they can never send "real" email.

If you feel confident the fastest way to register a service is to open a MR on the User Notify infrastructure project to add a service description file which matches the service schema.

If you prefer that the User Notify team write the description for you, open an issue with the "new service" template and fill in the blanks.

Next steps

Once your service is registered, you are ready to send email. The following pages provide further guidance.