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How to use the AWS CLI tool

Some of our products make use of AWS resources. If they have been configured according to the AWS guide then they will have a file named .aws-helper.yaml in the root of the repository. This guide covers how to configure the AWS command line tool for such products.

If you're interested in the rationale and background for how we integrate with AWS, there is a dedicated explainer guide.

Just as only users with "editor" rights can directly manage resources in Google via the gcloud command line tool, only users with "editor" rights can directly manage resources in AWS via the aws command line tool.

Requirements and deliverables

Before you start you will need:

  • an existing terraform deployment using Google Cloud based on our template,
  • AWS configuration for that deployment as per the relevant guide, and
  • the ability to access the Google Cloud console for your project with "editor" rights through a gcloudadmin account.

At the end of the process you will have the ability to access the AWS console for each environment.

Install the aws CLI tool

Install the aws CLI tool as per the documentation.

Install the aws-helper tool

AWS-enabled deployments will have an .aws-helper.yaml file in the root of the repository which configures a related aws-helper tool.

Install pipx as described in the guidebook.

Install the most recent version of the aws-helper tool:

pipx install \
    --index-url \
    --pip-args=--upgrade \

Authenticate to Google

Authenticate using the same account which you use to sign in to the Google Cloud console:

gcloud auth application-default login

Configure the aws CLI tool

Add the following to ~/.aws/config:

[profile default]
# Required so that aws-helper doesn't get into an infinite loop trying to call itself

[profile development]
credential_process = aws-helper --environment=development --aws-profile=default cli-credentials

[profile staging]
credential_process = aws-helper --environment=staging --aws-profile=default cli-credentials

[profile production]
credential_process = aws-helper --environment=production --aws-profile=default cli-credentials


This config assumes that the environments for your product are "production", "staging" and "development". The vast majority of our products use these environments but you may need to add additional environments is some special cases.

Test using the aws CLI tool

You should now be able to use the aws command line tool to authenticate as the Admin role.

Use the --profile option to specify the profile for each call, e.g.:

$ aws --profile development sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "AROA6GBMDAMTQ5GB7SOAU:development-spqr2",
    "Account": "975050048295",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::975050048295:assumed-role/Admin/development-spqr2"

Alternatively, you can set the AWS_PROFILE environment variable to use a fixed profile for all calls:

$ export AWS_PROFILE=development
$ aws sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "AROA6GBMDAMTQ5GB7SOAU:development-spqr2",
    "Account": "975050048295",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::975050048295:assumed-role/Admin/development-spqr2"

You may need to set the AWS region for some operations. For example:

$ AWS_PROFILE=development AWS_REGION=eu-west-2 aws ses list-identities
    "Identities": [


In this guide we covered how to use the aws command line tool in appropriately configured deployments.

Next steps