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API client generation from OpenAPI specifications

This page provides more in-depth reference on customising the OpenAPI-based client generation described in the how to automatically generate API clients guide.

Customising the generated clients

The OpenAPI generator templates will generate source code, package artefacts and documentation for a number of clients. Currently these are:

  • A TypeScript-based client using axios for HTTP transport.
  • A Python-based client using urllib3 for HTTP transport.

OpenAPI generator is used to generate the clients. If you need to customise generation, additional arguments to the generate CLI command can be added to OPENAPI_GENERATOR_GENERATOR_EXTRA_ARGS. If you need to specialise the behaviour of an individual client, set the variable on the job. For example:

# Use a dedicated configuration file for the TypeScript + Axios generator.
    OPENAPI_GENERATOR_GENERATOR_EXTRA_ARGS: "--config clients/typescript-config.yaml"

Disabling generation

Individual clients can be disabled by setting a CI variable. For example, set the OPENAPI_GENERATOR_PYTHON_URLLIB3_DISABLED CI variable to some non-empty value to disable generating the Python client.

CI job artefact locations

Source code for the clients is written to $OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SOURCE_ARTIFACT_DIR, package artefacts are written to $OPENAPI_GENERATOR_PACKAGE_ARTIFACT_DIR and documentation is written to $OPENAPI_GENERATOR_DOCS_ARTIFACT_DIR. You can override these directories if you want to, for example, place package files and generated documentation in a known location for publication.

Package names for generated clients

The package name for API clients is taken from the name of the GitLab project. If this is inappropriate, the name can be overridden by setting the OPENAPI_GENERATOR_PACKAGE_NAME variable. Package names can additionally by overridden per-generator. For example, to change the name of the Python package, set the OPENAPI_GENERATOR_PYTHON_URLLIB3_PACKAGE_NAME variable.

Publication of packages

By default publication jobs don't run unless there is a commit in the default branch which changes the static schema file. This is because there's not yet a well established convention as to when packages should be built for projects; some teams prefer to release packages on each commit to the default branch while others prefer a tag-based approach.

To enable publication you will need to add rules to the .openapi:publish:base job which controls when publication happens. For example, to publish packages from commits tagged with a version-like tag, you can use the following in your project's CI configuration:

# Set rules for when we publish OpenAPI client packages.
    # We publish packages for all commits tagged with what looks like a version number.
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.+[0-9]+.*/

API client packages are published to the GitLab package registry. If you want to disable all publication, set the OPENAPI_GENERATOR_PUBLISH_DISABLED variable to some value. If you want to disable publication of clients to GitLab but are open to auto publication to public registries like PyPI or NPM in future, set the OPENAPI_GENERATOR_PUBLISH_GITLAB_DISABLED variable. To disable publication of a specific client, override the CI job ans set the OPENAPI_GENERATOR_PUBLISH_DISABLED variable on it. For example:


CI variables

The following variables can be set to change the behaviour of the CI template. The default values of variables marked as private should not be relied on. If you add CI jobs which rely on them taking some value, set it yourself.

Variable Default Description
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_ARTIFACT_DIR private Directory in which all generated artifacts are placed unless overridden.
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_DISABLED unset Set to non-empty value to disable OpenAPI client generation if automatically triggered when it shouldn't be.
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_DOCS_ARTIFACT_DIR private Directory in which generated documentation artifacts are placed.
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_ENABLED unset Set to non-empty value to enable OpenAPI client generation if not otherwise automatically triggered.
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_PACKAGE_ARTIFACT_DIR private Directory in which generated package artifacts are placed.
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_PACKAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX +$CI_JOB_ID.$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA Value appended to all version numbers when packaging clients.
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SCHEMA_ARTIFACT_PATH private Location of OpenAPI schema used by all generators.
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SCHEMA_PATH openapi.yaml Location of static OpenAPI schema file within the repository.
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_SOURCE_ARTIFACT_DIR private Directory in which generated source code artifacts are placed.