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[Team | Jackson Team] [Tech Lead | meh37] [Service Owner | TBC] [Service Manager | TBC] [Product Manager | TBC]

This page gives an overview of Scribe, the case management system for the Legal Office, describing its current status, where and how it's developed and deployed, and who is responsible for maintaining it.

Service Description

Scribe is an application for managing case loads for the University's Legal Office.

Service Status

Scribe is currently live.

Currently there is no planned roadmap for the future of this service; however, the service is integral to the administration of the University's legal case loads and there are occasionally some tweaks made to the system.


Technical queries and support should be directed to and will be picked up by a member of the team working on the service.

Environments and Client

Scribe is a Windows Forms app so is currently deployed to and run from a file server. The application is run over the network on the UIS File Server. This is secured by file permissions, by the need to be run on a University machine belonging to a University Windows Domain, and by pass through Windows login to the database server. Membership of the following group will give access.


Access to environment is determined by which folder the executable is run from. The application is started by running the ScribeApp.exe executable.

Scribe is currently deployed to the following environments (this assumes the Z drive is mapped to \\\group as per standard university build):

Name File Folder
Production Z:\J Share\Applications\DotNet\Legal Group\Scribe\Scribe Live
Pending* Z:\J Share\Applications\DotNet\Legal Group\Scribe\Scribe Pending
Development Z:\J Share\Applications\DotNet\Legal Group\Scribe\Scribe Dev

*Pending is a version of the system where the front end application is updated but on the back end points to the real live database.

Source code

The source code for Scribe is spread over the following repository folders:

Repository Description
Components Key custom DLLs required for the build
SQL Holds a few MS SQL scripts for objects in the database
ScribeApp The Windows client application
ScribeBEL Holds business objects
ScribeDAL Data access layer to communicate with database
ScribeDB Deprecated Redgate folder
ScribeExport Library to generate PDF files for Scribe
ScribeTestApp Deprecated old app to test logic
ScribeUnitTests Unit tests (needs revision)
WpfControlApp An app not proceeded with so consider deprecated

Technologies used

The following gives an overview of the technologies Scribe is built on.

Category Language Framework(s)
Database Server MS SQL SQL Server 2019
Client Code VB.NET 4.6.1

Nuget package manager is also used to control versions of integrated code such as EPPlus (used for Excel interoperability). Full details are outside the scope of this document but can be seen through Visual Studio.


Scribe's data resides on a Microsoft SQL Server (

Environment Instance
Live Live
All development UAT

Access is done through Windows Active Directory, meaning there is no need to store passwords, it's all integrated. To have access you need to either be in the SQL Administrators group or be in the following group:

  • BLUE\legal-legalservicesoffice
  • BLUE\legal-legaladmin


Scribe is developed using Microsoft's Visual Studio (minimum version recommended 2019). There is a solution file that contains projects; those projects are reflected in the different folders in stored in the repository and listed above.

Operational documentation

The following gives an overview of how Scribe is deployed and maintained.

How and where Scribe is deployed

Deployment for Scribe is extremely simple - files are copied over from your build folder in Visual Studio to the folder holding the environment you are deploying to.

Deploying a new release

Make sure no files are open in the destination document - that is that the target version of Scribe is not open, then copy files over.


Currently no monitoring is carried out; the userbase is small and there are excellent relations between the users and the developer.


Debugging can only be done through Visual Studio, running the app natively in it.

Service Management

The Team responsible for this service is Jackson Team.

The Tech Lead for this service is meh37.

The Service Owner for this service is TBC.

The Service Manager for this service is TBC.

The Product Manager for this service is TBC.