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This page documents how we configure DNS zones for our deployments. It also discusses how we verify ownership of domains under with Google.

Zone delegation

The DNS zone is delegated to a Google Cloud DNS hosted zone managed by gcp-infra (University members only).

When a new product is added to the gcp-product-factory, a product zone is created. This will be of the form [product-slug] Per-environment zones are also created by the gcp-product-factory and the workspace specific terraform-deploy service accounts are granted the ability to add records to these zones. For example, the "development" environment for the "example" product would have the zone created. DNSSEC records are added as appropriate.

At this point, the terraform-deploy service accounts can freely add records to the environment-specific zones.

Example: Load Balancer IPs

When configuring the Cloud Load Balancer in our boilerplate, we create an "A" record pointing to the load balancer's IP with the following config:

# DNS records for webapp. For load-balanced applications, these are created
# irrespective of the any custom DNS name. For custom DNS name-hosted webapps,
# you will probably need a further CNAME record pointing to this record.
resource "google_dns_record_set" "load_balancer_webapp" {
  count = local.webapp_use_cloud_load_balancer ? 1 : 0

  managed_zone =

  ttl  = 300
  name = local.webapp_dns_name
  type = "A"
  rrdatas = [

Adding records under

The existing IP register database is used to provision records under At the moment this cannot easily be automated.

The IP-register service

New team members will almost certainly want to read the IP register documentation since the system is bespoke to Cambridge. Unfortunately there's not much substitute for seeing someone do this the first time and so, if you've not done this before, it's well worth shadowing another team member when the following procedure is next performed.

To add records you will need to liaise with to ensure the following:

  • The zone containing the record you wish to register is in the UIS-DEVOPS mzone. (For example, if you want to register then needs to be in the mzone.)
  • You have the ability to administer the UIS-DEVOPS mzone in the IP register database. The list of administrators for the mzone can be listed via the single_ops page.

Our general approach is to add whatever records we need for the service within the product environment specific zone under and add CNAME records for the "friendly" names.

Adding a CNAME is a bit of a fiddle:

  • In vbox_ops add a vbox which corresponds to the host name.
  • In cname_ops add a CNAME which points to the host name.

TLS Certificates

Google Cloud services which can host web content generally have two options for TLS certificates:

  • Self-managed certificates require that one generate private keys and corresponding TLS certificates signed by some appropriate trust root "out of band" and provide the key and certificate to the service. They can be a management burden since one needs to make sure that appropriate procedures are in place to renew and replace certificates before expiry. As such we are incentivised to have long-lived certificates.

  • Google managed certificates are issued and managed as part of the Google Cloud platform. They are automatically renewed and replaced as necessary. Like many automated certificate provisioning solutions, Google managed certificates tend to be short-lived, typically 90 days. Renewing and rotating TLS certificates often is desirable from a security hygiene perspective. This, coupled with the lower maintenance burden, means we generally use Google managed certificates where possible.

Domain verification


Domain verification is not normally required for new projects. Google-managed certificates associated with a Load Balancer now use ACME to verify ownership automatically.

It is likely that Google will eventually remove the ability to verify domains.

In order for Google to issue certificates, you must verify ownership of the domain.

Domains under

The gcp-product-factory includes semi-automated verification for domains under by means of verification records. For more information see the

Domains under

Unfortunately, we cannot yet semi-automate the verification of domains outside of For all other domains we need to perform manual verification.

The G Suite admins can manually verify ownership of domains under with Google. They will need:

  • The email address of the project admin service account.
  • The domain to verify.

One can contact the G Suite admins via Since all G Suite admins are also in DevOps, you might find it quicker to ask in the divisional Google Chat.


A recording (DevOpd only) of a meeting where a G Suite admin demonstrated how this is done is available in the DevOps shared drive.


In summary:

  • Domains under are managed via Google's Cloud DNS service.
  • Each product receives a dedicated zone named [PRODUCT] which can be administered by the terraform-deploy service account.
  • Each environment is provisioned with a dedicated zone named [ENVIRONMENT].[PRODUCT] which is administered by the gcp-product-factory.
  • All zones have appropriate DNSSEC records created.