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Time Allocation Survey

[Team | Jackson Team] [Tech Lead | nb745] [Service Owner | TBC] [Service Manager | TBC] [Product Manager | TBC]

This page gives an overview of Time Allocation Survey, describing its current status, where and how it's developed and deployed, and who is responsible for maintaining it.

Service Description

The University undertakes an annual Time Allocation Survey (TAS) which involves asking University academic staff whose duties include Teaching and Research to estimate the time they spend on these and other activities. The purpose of the TAS is to attribute costs to these activities.

The results are then used (in conjunction with other cost drivers) to ascertain the costs of Teaching, Research and Other activity by the University and to calculate the University’s Research full economic cost (FEC) rates.

Service Status

Time Allocation Survey is currently live.


Issues discovered in the service should be opened as a support ticket in HEAT, either raised there directly or via email to UIS ServiceDesk, specifying Time Allocation Survey as the service and providing all relevant details for further investigation by an engineer listed below.

New feature requests should be discussed with the Service Manager listed below, who can liaise with the listed engineers in the DevOps team who owns this service.

Source Code

Source code for Time Allocation Survey is located in a common Gitlab Group.

Time Allocation Survey consists of 3 webservices: TAS, TAS CMS and TAS Questionnaire.

Repository Description
tas Time Allocation Survey Management System (TasMS)
tas-cms Time Allocation Survey Content Management System (TasCMS)
tas-questionnaire Time Allocation Survey Questionnaire (TasQ)

Technologies Used

The service is built on the following technologies:

Category Technologies
Programming Language Java/JEE
Templates & Configuration HTML & XML
Frameworks Spring, Spring MVC, Quartz, Jersey, Jackson, JPA and Hibernate
Application Servers Apache Tomcat mounted on Apache HTTP Server
Databases MongoDB (dedicated), MySQL (dedicated) & Oracle (CHRIS HRDB integration)


The Time Allocation Survey is currently deployed to the following environments:

Name Webservice Links Supporting VMs
Production TAS, TAS CMS, TAS Questionnaire sanders (primary), timmons (failover)
Staging TAS, TAS CMS, TAS Questionnaire


CHRIS Integration (HR Database)

Projects TAS & TAS Questionnaire communicate with CHRIS (HR database) using the Oracle JDBC driver to perform data import of staff member information such as CRSID & Email address.

  • HRREPT is a nightly copy of CHRIS HRLIVE db and is the live reporting database.
  • HRREPD is the same nightly copy and a development reporting environment.
  • Custom view TAS_POSITIONS is available in both HRREPT & HRREPD to expose select data.
  • That custom view is used by TAS & TAS Questionnaire.

Dedicated Databases

Projects TAS & TAS Questionnaire use a dedicated MySQL database to store user data, survey data & more besides.

Project TAS CMS relies on a dedicated MongoDB database to store user-created dynamic content.

The Production databases run on dedicated servers, while the Staging databases are hosted on the same server as the webservices.

Environment Database VMs
Production MySQL, MongoDB tatum + wright (primary + failover)
Staging MySQL, MongoDB jackson

Operational Documentation

The following gives an overview of how the Time Allocation Survey is deployed and maintained.

How and where the Time Allocation Survey is deployed

TAS is deployed in both the Staging & Production environments listed above.

Deployment is done via Ansible. See the TAS Admin project README for details.

Using the Ansible deploy role provided, a one-line change can specify a new version, then the rest of deployment is fully automated to staging and/or production.

Under the hood, that process reinstalls Tomcat management scripts, then runs the relevant "cold deploy" Tomcat management script with the fresh WAR file, for each of the 3 WAR files copied by Ansible to the target servers (one for each TAS webservice):

/home/tas/tomcat-scripts/<service-name> /path/to/the-tas-webservice.war"

Service Management

The Team responsible for this service is Jackson Team.

The Tech Lead for this service is nb745.

The Service Owner for this service is TBC.

The Service Manager for this service is TBC.

The Product Manager for this service is TBC.

The following engineers have operational experience with this service and are able to respond to support requests or incidents: