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Research Excellence Framework (REF) portals

This page gives an overview of the REF portals, describing their current status, where and how they are developed and deployed, and who is responsible for maintaining them.

Service Description

The REF portals contain documents and data for REF 2021 submissions.

Service Status

The users currently have read-only access to the REF portals.


Issues discovered in the portals should be opened as GitLab issues in the application repository.


The REF portals are currently deployed to the following environments:

Name URL Supporting VMs
Web Server
Application Server

Source code

Source code for the REF portals can be found in the Gitlab group REF 2021:

Gitlab Project Summary
Impact Impact Submission
Environment Environment Templates Submission
Legacy Files Legacy files Submission

Technologies used

The REF portals are built on the following technologies:

  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • SharePoint server-side object model

Operational documentation

The SharePoint solution for each portal is deployed using a PowerShell script found in its SiteAssets folder.

To deploy one of the solutions:

  • Copy the solution file and installer script to the target Server, e.g. SP19-Live-Web1
  • Start PowerShell with admin privilege
  • Run the installer script

Service Management and tech lead

The Service Owner for the REF portals is TBA.

The Service Manager for the REF portals is TBA.

The Tech Lead for the REF portals is TBA.

The following engineer has operational experience with the REF portals and is able to respond to support requests or incidents: