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Our adopted & recommended Python libraries, snippets & tools.


Title Summary Our Docs
black Code formatter that enforces a consistent style Setup, Tutorial
coverage Tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs Tutorial
docopt Command-line interface description language and parser Tutorial
faker Library for generating fake data for testing Tutorial
flake8 Tool for style guide enforcement and linting Setup, Tutorial
furo Clean customizable Sphinx documentation theme Tutorial
geddit UIS library for fetching data from URLs Tutorial
isort Library for sorting Python imports Setup, Tutorial
jsonpath-ng Library for extracting data using JSONPath expressions Tutorial
mypy Static type checker for Python Setup, Tutorial
pre-commit Framework for managing git pre-commit hooks Setup, Tutorial
PyYAML YAML parser and emitter for Python Tutorial
pytest Testing framework Tutorial, Boilerplate
pytest-cov Coverage plugin for pytest Tutorial
pytest-mock Thin-wrapper around mock package for pytest Tutorial
python-social-auth Authentication framework for Python web frameworks SSO Guide
sphinx Documentation generator Tutorial
sphinx-autodoc-typehints Type hints support for Sphinx Tutorial
structlog Structured logging for Python Tutorial
tox Test automation and virtual environment management tool Tutorial


Type Snippet Summary
decorator decorators neat multiple decorators in a single line
decorator threadsafe make a method or property thread-safe
datastruct dotdict dot-accessible dict
datastruct threadsafedict exemplifies how to use Generic typing


Title Summary Our Docs
copier Tool for rendering project templates Create, Update, Migrate
pip Package installer for Python System Setup
pipx Tool to install and run Python applications in isolated environments System Setup
poetry Python dependency management and packaging tool Tutorial, Boilerplate
poe Task runner that works well with poetry Tutorial, Boilerplate