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Permissions and Roles

This page documents how we manage personal and service account permissions.

Permissions granted by gcp-product-factory

As part of the product provisioning process, we have a product folder and product meta project created automatically for each product.

A product admin service account is created in the meta project and is configured with a specific set of required "admin" permissions over all projects in the product folder. Additionally, the product admin can create new projects within the folder and associate them with the University Billing Account.


To view the full list of roles assigned to a product admin service account see the product_admin_sa_roles local in the gcp-product-factory project.

Access is granted to individual team members with one or more of the three levels. The roles aren't mutually exclusive, so a user can have more than one of the roles if necessary. The three levels are:

  • Viewer These users have "viewer" rights over all projects in the product folder. They can inspect the deployment in the Google Cloud console but cannot see sensitive resources such as secrets. Giving someone "viewer" access is appropriate if they're involved in initial troubleshooting, need to see logs or are being shown around the deployment.
  • Deployer These users have the ability to impersonate the environment-specific terraform-deploy service accounts. As such, they can run the infrastructure terraform configuration. Since they can impersonate these accounts, they can perform any actions the service accounts can but only via terraform or the gcloud utility; they cannot modify things in the Google Cloud Console and can only see things in the console if they are also "Viewer" users.
  • Editor These users have the "editor" rights over all projects in the product folder. They can create, modify and delete resources for most Google Cloud services, but doesn't contain permissions to perform all actions for all services. This gives all the view permissions, so it is not necessary to have Viewer together with Editor.

Why does 'Deployer' exist?

Ideally we'd be able to add a big "elevate your permissions" button to the Google Cloud console so that most of the time you're a viewer but you have to take decisive action to make changes. The Google Cloud console is very powerful and it is easy to "fat-finger" a change when you just meant to look around.

Until users get comfortable with what is and isn't safe to do in the console, we make them viewers and deployers. The viewer rights mean that they can inspect the current configuration and the deployer rights mean that they can make changes but only through terraform or the gcloud command-line utility. This at least makes one have to actively decide to do something which could change something.

As such, our concept of "deploy user" is more of a "prevent accidental change" feature than a security-related feature. Much like passwordless sudo on a traditional Unix box it is designed to make it more obvious to an admin when they're doing something potentially dangerous.

The association between individual accounts and these roles is specified in the gcp-product-factory project. For DevOps we have also made this information available via a team data module (University members only).

Future improvements

Since this system was developed, Google Cloud gained knowledge of Lookup groups. As such we can also start assigning these roles to members of Lookup groups by granting permissions to the [GROUPID] Google Group.

This improvement is being tracked in an issue on the Developers' Hub (DevOps only).

Per-environment permissions

Some service accounts and permissions are set at an environment level rather than at a product level.

Terraform deploy service account

The gcp-product-factory creates a terraform-deploy service account in each environment. This account is given a specific set of roles to enable it to deploy the terraform configuration. We then use service account impersonation to authenticate as this service account and associate it with the default google and google-beta providers in our terraform configurations.

This service account is created within the gcp-product-factory terraform.

Service identities

All processes within Google Cloud have an identity associated with them. There is usually a default identity for each service. For example, unless configured otherwise, applications running via Cloud Run have the Compute Engine default service account identity.

To allow granular control we try to configure all processes to have dedicated service accounts. In particular you should try to create custom service accounts for:


Within the Raven infrastructure (DevOps only) we create a Cloud Function which fetches device statistics via the Google Analytics API and stores a summary report in a Cloud Storage bucket. This function runs as a custom service account which is given rights to update the summary in the bucket and is added to our Google Analytics property as a read-only user.


In summary,

  • Each product has a product admin service account which is only used by the gcp-product-factory and is granted a specific set of admin roles over all projects in the product folder.
  • For real users, as opposed to service accounts, per product permissions are "Owner", "Deployer" and "Viewer". "Owners" can do everything, "Deployers" can run terraform and use the gcloud CLI to do anything and "Viewers" can see how infrastructure is configured but not some sensitive resources such as secrets.
  • There is one Google project per environment. For example, one project for "production", one for "staging", etc.
  • Each environment-specific Google project has a terraform-deploy service account which has a specific set of admin roles granted on that project.
  • The default terraform provider uses the terraform-deploy service account via impersonation.
  • We create custom Cloud IAM roles to allow continuous deployment jobs to deploy new versions but not create new services or delete old ones.
  • We try to explicitly create custom service account identities for all processes.