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This page gives an overview of the <service_name>, describing its current status, where and how it's developed and deployed, and who is responsible for maintaining it.

Service Description

<high level description of what the service does>

Service Status

The <service_name> is currently pre-alpha|alpha|beta|live|decommissioning.

<notes about status and links to roadmaps / timelines for future development or decommissioning>


Technical queries and support should be directed to <role email> and will be picked up by a member of the team working on the service. To ensure that you receive a response, always direct requests to <role email> rather than reaching out to team members directly.

Issues discovered in the service or new feature requests should be opened as [GitLab issues in the application repository](<link to gitlab issues page>).


The <service_name> is currently deployed to the following environments:

Name URL Supporting VMs
Production <production_url> <list of vms>
Staging <staging_url> <list of vms>
Development <dev_url> <list of vms>

<notes about access to environments and anything special about how an environment is used>

Source code

The source code for the <service_name> is spread over the following repositories:

Repository Description
Application Server The source code for the main application server
Infrastructure Deployment The Terraform infrastructure code for deploying the application server to GCP

Technologies used

The following gives an overview of the technologies the <service_name> is built on.

Category Language Framework(s)
Server {name and version} {name and version}
Client {name and version} {name and version}
{other} {name and version} {name and version}

Operational documentation

The following gives an overview of how the <service_name> is deployed and maintained.

How and where the <service_name> is deployed

<documentation or links to external docs describing how and where the application is deployed>

Deploying a new release

<documentation or links to external docs about how a new release is made and deployed>


<documentation or links to external docs about monitoring and how alerts should be responded to>


<documentation or links to external docs describing how to debug both a deployed instance and locally>

<other operation issues>

<documentation or links to external docs about other operation issues>

Service Management and tech lead

The service owner for the <service_name> is <service owner name and Lookup link>.

The service manager for the <service_name> is <service manager name and Lookup link>.

The tech lead for the <service_name> is <tech lead name and Lookup link>.

The following engineers have operational experience with the <service_name> and are able to respond to support requests or incidents:

  • <engineer name and Lookup link>
  • <engineer name and Lookup link>