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How to register GKE-hosted GitLab runners

This guide shows you how to deploy/register Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) hosted GitLab runners for products deployed by the gcp-product-factory repository.

For more information on the GKE runner configuration, see gke-gitlab-runners in the reference section.


The following information will be required to complete the steps in this guide.

  • The name of the configuration bucket (created by the gcp-product-factory) in the target product's meta project. For example, the Gaobase product meta project (gaobase-meta-5c82d605) has a bucket named gaobase-config-b1410ccd.
  • The id of the GitLab sub-group to register the new GitLab runner against. For example, the Gaobase product's sub-group id is 7541.


  1. Clone the gitlab-runner-infrastructure repository to your local machine.
  2. Create a new feature branch for your changes.
  3. In, add your new product to the product_runners.production map using the information from the prerequisites section above. For example, if you are adding a new product called test-product you might do the following.

    product_runners = {
        production = {
            "admissions-portal" = {
                config_bucket   = "ap-config-738a8404"
                gitlab_group_id = 1883
            "test-product" = {
                config_bucket = "test-product-config-012345"
                gitlab_group_id = 666
  4. Commit your changes, push your branch to the remote, and open a merge request.

  5. The merge request should be reviewed, merged, and deployed by a member of the Cloud Team. Deployment steps can be found in the file in the gitlab-runner-infrastructure repository. If you are not a member of the Cloud Team, ask for assistance in the Cloud Team channel.


In this guide, you learned how to configure and deploy a GKE hosted GitLab runner for a new product.

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