A summary of UIS DevOps teams and their responsibilities.
Cloud Team¶
[Email |] [Team Lead | ad2139] [Team Members | View] Cloud Team is responsible for the following services:
- API Gateway
- Data Backup Service
- GitLab service for the Developers' Hub
- Self-Service Gateway
- Streaming Media Service
Developer Experience Team¶
[Email |] [Team Lead | rjw57] [Team Members | View] Developer Experience Team is responsible for the following services:
Drupal Team¶
[Email |] [Team Lead | jag212] [Team Members | View] Drupal Team is responsible for the following services:
Hamilton Team¶
[Email |] [Team Lead | bs461] [Team Members | View] Hamilton Team is responsible for the following services:
Holberton Team¶
[Email |] [Team Lead | wgd23] [Team Members | View] Holberton Team is responsible for the following services:
- Academic Career Pathways Grade 12 (ACP-12) Submission Portal
- Colleges and Affiliated Institutions Advertising System (CAIAS)
- HR Integration App
- Human Tissue Tracker
- Integrated Reward System (IRS)
- Job Opportunities
- PostBox
- Recruitment Administration System (RAS)
- Temporary Employment Service (TES)
- University Payment System
- University Training Booking System
- Web Recruitment System (WRS)
Hopper Team¶
[Email |] [Team Lead | bs461] [Team Members | View] Hopper Team is responsible for the following services:
Jackson Team¶
[Email |] [Team Lead | nb745] [Team Members | View] Jackson Team is responsible for the following services:
- ADA for Disability Office
- Cambridge Data (CamData)
- Events System
- Gates Cambridge Trust - Selection Module (GCT/SM)
- Gates Trust Admin Tool
- Governance
- Information Asset Register
- Malware & Virus Scanner (MVS)
- Nursery Waiting List
- Regent House Ballots application
- Reporter
- Statutes and Ordinances
- Time Allocation Survey
Johnson Team¶
[Email |] [Team Lead | TBC] [Team Members | View] Johnson Team is responsible for the following services:
- Budget Calculator
- Claims Management System (CMS)
- Equipment Sharing
- Interfacer for Research Systems Team
- RCO Database
- ROO Intranet
- Research Dashboard
- Research Excellence Framework (REF) portals
- Research Grant Expenditure Application (RGEA)
- Staff Information System
- Staff Information System SharePoint portals (SIS/SP)
Lovelace Team¶
[Email |] [Team Lead | snr21] [Team Members | View] Lovelace Team is responsible for the following services:
Wilson Team¶
[Email |] [Team Lead | ek599] [Team Members | View] Wilson Team is responsible for the following services:
- API Gateway
- Activate Account Service
- Card Management System
- Google Workspace Preferences App
- Google Workspace for Education @ Cambridge
- Identity and Access Management
- Jackdaw
- Legacy Card System
- Lookup
- Network Access Tokens Service
- Password Management
- Raven Device Statistics API
- Raven OAuth2
- Raven SAML2
- Raven UCamWebAuth
- Raven Webauth to SAML2 Shim
- Shibboleth Metadata Administration service
- University Human Resources API
- University Student API